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Bank Details

National Bank Of Pakistan

Account Title: USAMA

IBAN: PK98NBPA0161003247010067

Account Number: 01613247010067

Branch Name: 0161

Account Title: USAMA

IBAN: PK47JCMA120592311341573810049B6D

Account Number: 03113415738

Account Title: USAMA USAMA

IBAN: PK05TMFB0000000055734507

Account Number: 03113415738

Account Title: USAMA USAMA

IBAN: PK85SADA0000003113415738

Account Number: 03113415738

Account Title: Usama Waheed

NayaPay ID: usama1028@nayapay

IBAN: PK24NAYA1234503113415738

Account Number: 03113415738

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